Aliyah Bet & Machal Virtual Museum

North American Volunteers In Israel's War of Independence

Machal Monument in Jerusalem Dedicated

Fireworks in front of Machal Monument

On December 17th, 2017, the Machal Monument was unveiled and dedicated. The following is the day in pictures. Please donate online to keep the memory of the Foreign Volunteers of Israel's War of Independence alive.

The IDF had a Torch relay race.


Troops at Machal Monument


The monument was veiled by an Israeli flag before it was officially dedicated.


Machal Monument Covered


Jerry Klinger, Jewish American Society of Historical Preservation, the key philanthropist of the project, and Smoky Simon, World Machal, made remarks.


Jerry Klinger Speaking at Machal Monument Dedication Smoky Simon Speaking at Machal Monument Dedication in Jerusalem


Jeffrey Margolis, American Veterans of Israel Legacy Corp, with Klinger in front of the Memorial


Jerry Jeff


Mini Monuments for Deputy Mayor Yael Antebi and Klinger, presented by Sculptor Sam Philipe 



Mini Monuments for Deputy Mayor Yael Antebi and Jerry Klinger, presented by Sculptor Sam Philipe

The program for the Dedication of the Mahal Memorial in Jerusalem


Machal Monument in Jerusalem Dedication Invitation